What is the reason to install reverse cycle caravan air conditioner in 2022

Phillip Rigby

Phillip Rigby

Air Conditioner expert and outdoors man.

Last updated July 16, 2022

Air conditioners with reverse cycle are the most efficient in caravan air conditioning. These air conditioners can be used to cool caravans as they have both cooling and heating options. Air conditioners with reverse cycle are excellent because they consume far less heat energy than they generate power. This might seem to be in contradiction to the law, but there is an argument for this.

This guide will show how caravan air conditioners work and how you can select the best unit for your needs.

Selecting a caravan unit

Many caravan air conditioners don’t achieve the high efficiency they are designed to achieve. The effectiveness of an air conditioner is determined by the ratio of its cooling/heating energy and its power draw. The products are labelled Energy Star in Australia. This label displays the cooling and heating output as well as power consumption in kilowatts. A unit with more stars is more efficient once it is fully operating.

While AC units for caravans aren’t often rated at 3 stars, domestic reverse cycle ACs can achieve the highest performance.

Be sure you’re buying the most efficient reverse cycle air conditioners that you can afford. The Energy Rating could be linked to the price of the unit. Units that are on the highest end of the efficiency scale are those that are the most efficient.

How does reverse cycle air conditioners work?

Air conditioners don’t cool the air as much as refrigerators.

The unit draws twice as much energy as it actually generates. Some units offer four times the energy than traditional gas heaters.

The sun’s energy could power a caravan’s conditioning

Caravan A/Cs are among the most energy-intensive appliances in the caravan. This is among their main problems. The positive side is that the reverse cycle system can be powered with solar energy. It is possible to run your caravan’s air conditioner with 750 watts of solar panels. Nighttime use is more challenging since it requires twice the energy and batteries that hold 800-100 amp.

An inverter/generator can be utilized as an alternative source of energy to power the air conditioning in your caravan. Japanese brands like Yamaha and Honda make great generators that can fully operate the system with no difficulties. They can charge your batteries with the help of a 230-volt battery charger or run your air conditioner.

Generators powered by petrol are quiet and long-lasting and are the perfect choice for caravanners. If you intend to camp in the summer heat,

A battery in a caravan is able to be recharged using the power of a gasoline generator in less than an hour. Diesel generators can also water-cooled to provide hot running water.

The next generation of technology for fuel cells is low-cost and quiet.