How much does it cost to replace a caravan air conditioner? in 2022

Phillip Rigby

Phillip Rigby

Air Conditioner expert and outdoors man.

Last updated July 16, 2022

An air conditioner that is efficient is crucial for the comfort and climate control of a caravan. It is possible that you are unsure about the cost to replace your AC. To assist you in estimating the cost of your purchase, we analyzed the average cost of replacing an caravan’s air conditioner. Here’s more details on the expected life span of your caravan’s air conditioner.

The price of a replacement for a caravan air conditioner is dependent on the brand and class. The unit could cost from $700 to $1400, including labor. Installation costs vary from $1500 to $3,000. Professional installation could cost anything from $1500 to $2,500.

  • Class A – For 13,500 BTUs, pay around $2,500 for a unit measuring 40.5x29x11.25 inches.
  • Class B Class B is a mid-priced AC unit that has 15.500 BTUs and dimensions of 36x30x21 inches and dimensions of 31x31x21 inches is available for $1500 to $2,000
  • Class C – An AC unit that has 13,500 BTUs (72 pounds) as well as a robust cooling system. is priced between $1000 to $1500.

There are a variety of air conditioners that keep you comfortable and cool.