How do you reset the air conditioner in your caravan in 2022

Phillip Rigby

Phillip Rigby

Air Conditioner expert and outdoors man.

Last updated July 16, 2022

It could make it difficult to drive in hot weather if the air conditioner in your caravan stops cooling the camper. Resetting your caravan’s air conditioner is one of the most effective ways to resolve this problem. How do you accomplish this? To help you find the right answer, we’ve done extensive research and consulted experts.

Resetting the air conditioner in your caravan is simple. Simply press the reset button to reset the air conditioner.

  1. Switch off the air conditioner.
  2. Turn off the device when it is turned off at the break.
  3. Check the breakers.
  4. Let the unit cool for 30 minutes prior to when you turn it on again.

Hopefully this will help you get your caravan back to cooling .